Ruins Battle

Video Game

Ruin Battle Video Game Project

What’s Happening

This game is the most technologically difficult game I've built so far inside of Unreal Engine. With the help of an online course, I was able to turn a new map into a playable (although a little buggy), top-down, fantasy battle game.

Over the course of this lesson, I dove into intermediate usage of Unreal's features and its blueprint visual coding system. This included learning how to use the brush to paint dirt and grass, referencing other blueprints within others, and blending character animation sequences.

The game is a three-wave system that throws a couple kinds of enemies at the player, including a swordsman and a mage. The objective is to roam the playing field and defeat the enemies

Note: Please view on a desktop to play

How to Play

Arrow Keys/WASD: Move
Mouse: Look
Right Click: Physical attack
Left Click: Magic attack
Space: Jump

Tips: Find the blue orbs to recover health

The player fighting multiple enemies
Wave complete
An overview of the playing field

So what's Next?

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